Why spay or neuter your pet?

It helps your dog be healthier!
Spaying and neutering can eliminate or reduce the risk for multiple cancers.

It reduces euthanasia!
Fewer unwanted litters means less overcrowding at animal shelters and less unnecessary euthanasia.

It can help behavior issues!
Some negative behaviors related to the mating instinct, like roaming or aggression, can be reduced after spay or neuter.

It's cost-effective!
It can be less expensive to have your dog spayed or neutered vs. birthing and raising a litter of puppies.

It's safe!
Medical complications from anesthesia and the surgery are rare. 

Terms You May Not Know

  • Spay: Removing the ovaries of a female dog so they can't have puppies
  • Neuter: Removing the testicles of a male dog so they can't impregnate a female dog